
William Breathitt Gray
Source: William Breathitt Gray


ISHICORP, LLC, was established in 2024 to provide electronic design and systems services to end user consumers and enterprises. Contracted software development solutions are arranged for clients under negotiable terms, and custom products are available for purchase at reasonable prices.

The ISHICORP, LLC, logo is an encircled "意思", a Japanese word meaning "intention", an approximate translation of the meaning of my first name "William". Steadfast intention is the company culture of ISHICORP, LLC, and dutiful professional service is a virtue I hold very dear in my work.

If you have a computer systems job that needs proper action to completion, then do not hesitate to send an inquiry to ISHICORP, LLC. Please contact William Breathitt Gray with all project requests.

William Breathitt Gray

I am a software engineer by profession, but I like to consider myself an open source software enthusiant in my life. On this site, I share my favorite projects and musings on topics about computing, gaming, and the various other interests I hold.

I specialize in Linux kernel development, but you can find me contributing to various open source projects I find neat. In particular, I think retrogames and retrocomputing are fun, and I often spend my spare time playing with those sort of things.

Currently, I am located in Yatsushiro, Kumamoto, where I get the unique pleasure of experiencing Japanese culture in my daily life. From time to time, I will share interesting stories about the people and technology I encounter in Japan.


Feel free to send any comments and suggestions to my inbox. I can't gurantee a response to all mail, but a message from a visitor is always welcome and much appreciated.


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